*NEW* : Sacred Scents Ceremony Pack

*NEW* : Sacred Scents Ceremony Pack


The “Sacred Scents Ceremony Pack” contains 9 hand selected pieces from Sagrada Madre’s artisanal incense line. Each stick is marked via Roman Numerals at base of the stick, with each numeral suggesting the order of burning during your ceremony (i.e., I,II,III,IV etc). As this is a custom handpicked selection, packaging may vary.

Sagrada Madre’s incense is meticulously crafted with pure blends of herbs, flowers and resins sourced from diverse corners of the globe. Offering up to 45-60-minute burn time, this natural incense allows you to immerse yourself in exquisite fragrances from around the world.

Incense is as follows.

I *Palo Santo & Frankincense*: Clearing & Purification

II *Sandalwood*: Meditative & Soothing

III *Maha*: Transcendent & Uplifting

IV *Yagra, Orchid & Bay Leaf*: Inspiring & Clarifying

V *Roses & Olibanum*: Uplifting & Centering

VI *Gaia*: Serenity & Reverence

VII *Gardenias & Calendula*: Tranquility & Healing

VIII *Hindu Kush*: Euphoric & Enlightening

IX *Yagra*: Grounding & Gratitude

Product not elgible for discount.

Inidividual packages of each of these and more coming soon!!

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